Meet Our Therapist Shoko
Growing up surrounded by the rich nature of Tochigi,Japan, I dedicated myself wholeheartedly to volleyball until I graduated from high school. After sustaining an injury through volleyball, I was inspired to pursue a career as a judo therapist (It is a profession similar to a physiotherapist or an osteopath.), majoring in Judo Therapy at university. Upon graduating, I worked in an orthopaedic clinic for three years, where I was involved in rehabilitation and exercise instruction for adult day care clients.
Later, I spent approximately three years in Australia before returning to Japan and working briefly for a Japanese company. However, my desire to experience life in Europe brought me to the UK.
Hi i’m Shoko! I am a therapist at Kiyora Beauty and Health. It has been about two years since I started working as a therapist in London. I also gained experience as a massage therapist while in Australia, but my journey in the UK has been particularly enriching.
Receiving treatments from various therapists here and earning my massage therapist qualification motivated me to offer even better services, bring joy to my clients, and deepen my knowledge. Every day is a learning experience, and I am passionate about improving my skills.
In addition to my work here, I am truly grateful for the many opportunities to challenge myself in this environment. I look forward to continuing to enjoy both my work and life in London. My ultimate goal is not only to grow as a therapist but also to work with my amazing team to make Kiyora spa and Revive massage studios the most sought-after spa in London.
Services I Provide
I offer a range of treatments, including signature massage, deep tissue massage, sports massage, Japanese shiatsu massage, anti-cellulite massage, facial lift-up massage,Environ skin treatments and so on.
Among these, my deep tissue massage and facial lift-up massage have been particularly well-received by many clients. I will continue to listen carefully to each client’s body and strive to provide the best possible service tailored to their needs.
- - - japanese version - - -
初めまして、Kiyora beauty and health でセラピストとして在籍しているShokoです。ロンドンでセラピストとして働き始めてから約2年が経ちました。 massage therapistとしての経験はオーストラリアでもありましたが、イギリスに来てから様々なタイプのセラピストの方から施術を受けたり、massage therapistの資格を取った事をきっかけに、もっと良いサービスを提供したい、お客様に喜んでいただきたい、もっと知識を身につけたいと思い勉強の毎日です。
今後の目標は、therapistとして成長するのはもちろんですが、Kiyora spa, revive massage studios をロンドンで一番予約取りにくいspaにスタッフのみんなと一緒に育てていきたいです。
私がご提供出来るサービスと致しましては、signature massage, deep tissue massage, sports massage, Japanese shiatsu massage, anti cellulite massage, facial lift up massage, environ skin treatmentなどがございます。
中でもdeep tissue massage とfacial lift up massage は沢山のお客様からご好評頂いております。